WARNING: This isn’t your average application. It’s a brand autopsy.

We’re going to slice open your business, examine its guts, and determine if there’s any life left to salvage. It’s messy. It’s raw. It’s brutally honest.

Not everyone survives this process. Some egos flatline. Some dreams hemorrhage. If you’re looking for sugar-coated platitudes, turn back now.

But if you’re ready to dissect your brand, to stare unflinchingly at its strengths and cancers alike, then proceed. We might just reanimate your business into something terrifyingly successful.

Fair warning: I don’t work with the faint-hearted or the mediocre. If you’re not ready to evolve, to mutate your brand into an apex predator in your market, we’re not a match.

This is your last chance to walk away.

Still here?

Then let’s begin the transformation.

Total Brand Autopsy

Ready to kill your brand?

Welcome to the Brand Morgue.

Check your ego at the door.

This isn’t a makeover. It’s a full-body dissection of your business’s corpse.

We’re going to peel back the skin of your brand, crack open its ribcage, and root around in its entrails until we find the cause of death.

We’ll slice through layers of stale copy, drain the embalming fluid of tired strategies, and excavate the skeletal structure of your offer. 

Your website? We’ll perform a digital lobotomy.

Your email campaigns? We’ll test them for rigor mortis.

Your social media? We’ll exhume every post &  every sad attempt at engagement.

This autopsy brings resurrection. From the carnage, we’ll stitch together a Frankenstein’s monster of a brand – terrifying in its effectiveness, relentless in its pursuit of market domination.

This isn’t for the faint of heart.

If you can’t handle seeing your precious brand carved up on the slab, walk away now.

But if you’re ready to kill your darlings and birth something more powerful, more primal, more profitable…let’s begin.

DIGITAL DNA SEQUENCING: Unraveling your brand's genetic code, exposing dormant strengths and terminal weaknesses. We're not just looking at your brand; we're reprogramming its very essence

OFFER VIVISECTION: Slicing open your offers while they're still breathing. We'll rewire their nervous systems, amputate dead weight, and graft on profit-generating limbs.

COPY TRANSFUSION: Draining the anemic words from your veins and pumping them full of persuasion steroids. Your message won't just speak; it'll grab readers by the throat.

FUNNEL NEUROSURGERY :Performing a lobotomy on your sales funnel. We'll rewire neural pathways, implant conversion triggers, and turn casual browsers into buying addicts.

MARKET POSITION EXHUMATION : Digging up your brand's place in the market and turning it into an apex predator. You won't just enter the market; you'll hunt it.


Everyone craves copy that's not just words. Copy that infects minds, hijacks emotions, and turns readers into willing hostages. They want sentences that slash through the noise, paragraphs that bruise the psyche, and stories that leave scars on the soul.

Your offer isn’t just stagnant. It’s an inside-out abomination, guts exposed, begging for resurrection.

Most coaches slap Band-Aids on courses – template-driven pages, soulless emails. They wonder why leads slip through their fingers like sand.

But we don’t restructure. We perform digital magic.

We disembowel your offer, rewire its nervous system, and resurrect it as a beautiful monstrosity your audience can’t look away from.


Imagine a system that doesn’t just generate leads – it magnetizes the right ones. A customer journey that’s not a path, but a labyrinth of fascination.

From landing pages that grab throats to emails that hijack minds, we craft copy that makes your audience feel seen, heard, and valued. Not as customers, but as co-conspirators in your brand’s evolution.

This isn’t a makeover.

It’s a metamorphosis.

Welcome to the Inverse Launch method. Where your brand’s darkest potential becomes its most magnetic reality.


OFFER AUTOPSY :Surgical deconstruction and reconstruction of your core offer

AUDIENCE DNA MAPPING :Deep-dive psychographic analysis of your ideal clients

LABYRINTHINE CUSTOMER JOURNEY: Multi-layered path design that captivates and converts

LANDING PAGE SHOCK THERAPY :Attention-grabbing, scroll-stopping page copy

MIND-HIJACKING EMAIL SEQUENCESCompelling narratives that infect inboxes and trigger action

SALES PAGE REANIMATION Breathing life into dead content, creating irresistible offers


Mutate your comatose leads into profit-hungry predators

This isn't a service. It's your gateway to brand intoxication. I don't just write. I synthesize mind-altering prose that turns readers into junkies, hooked on every word you publish. Your message isn't just heard. It's mainlined directly into your audience's psyche

Forget email campaigns. We’re breeding digital parasites.

Your social media trickle? We’re turning it into a flash flood of ravenous leads.

This isn’t just a blueprint. It’s a doomsday device for your competition.

We engineer thought viruses that hijack minds. Craft DM sequences that burrow into psyches. Build landing pages that don’t just hook—they impale.

Each message: a spore.
Each open: an infection. Each click: a surrender.

Watch your ideas multiply, feeding on the minds of your list like a beautiful plague.

Your thank-you pages?
They don’t just charm.
They brainwash.

Your email sequences?
They don’t just talk.
They seduce.
They intoxicate.
They addict.

This isn’t about getting leads. It’s about creating an army of brand zealots, begging for their next fix of your content.

Welcome to the Evergreen Conversion Engine. Where marketing dies, and memetic warfare is born.

Ready to infect the masses?

EMAIL SEQUENCE BRAINWASHING: Multi-stage thought reprogramming campaigns that seduce, indoctrinate, and create content addicts.

LANDING PAGE LEAD TRAPS: Irresistible digital snares that don't just capture attention—they amputate escape routes.

PSYCHOLOGICAL TRIPWIRE THANK-YOU PAGES: Post-conversion mind hijacks that transform casual visitors into brand cultists

VIRAL DM INJECTION: Automated message sequences that burrow into prospects' minds, multiplying your influence with every interaction

A.I. is the current trend, but trends are just junkies chasing the next high. They'll OD, leaving digital corpses in their wake. You want to outlast the competition? You need to mainline something stronger: raw, human connection. Inject your audience's fears and desires directly into your veins. Craft messages that aren't just read, but felt in the marrow. Great copy isn't just text. It's a virus. It infects minds, replicates in hearts, and turns readers into willing hosts. It's the DNA that successful businesses splice into every cell of their empire.

Warning: These percentages don’t add up to 100%.

That’s because domination isn’t about math.

It’s about overwhelming force.




The silent killer. Your personalized mind-bombs, transaction shrapnel, and newsletter napalm. This isn’t just communication. It’s the backbone we’ll snap and realign for your brand’s success



Short-form video viruses and influencer sleeper cells. But when Instagram flatlines and TikTok overdoses, will your audience still be addicted to your content?



Your digital bunker. We’re not just generating awareness. We’re building a cult compound, trafficking in leads, and erecting monuments to your authority.