Break the Rules. Launch Boldly

Mission statements & about me sections are usually bullshit because no one reads them anymore…

But here’s the deal for Tough Transitions Copy… 
I’m in the game to help the small guys conquer.

I sling words that sell… ….not just talk.

Tough Transitions Copy isn’t just another marketing brand.

I’m not here to follow the rules; I’m here to rewrite them.

As a maverick in the industry, I thrive on bold moves and audacious strategies by turning the status quo on its head and helping you break through the noise.

Here’s What I know about entrepreneurs like you…

I know you’re stepping out of the box and ditching the corporate circus to carve your own path in the wild unknown.

I know you’re not here to just play the game…

Because you’re changing it.

I know you’re in it for more than just the ride…

You’re here to claim what’s yours.

I know this because I was you…


Which is why I know that good copy will keep your business thriving in chaos…


Back in 2016, launching my fitness biz for dads, I was clueless, fumbling words, losing cash.

Just another voice lost in the algorithms

Then copywriting hit me like a triple espresso shot and I turned 99 bucks into a six-figure dance, with 177 guys on board.

Since then,  copywriting has become my lifeline, selling a thousand books organically and working with the big league entrepreneurs.

And that’s why I say great copy is the fast lane to online gold.





Whether you want to create an offer that converts like crazy, website copy, ads for social media, email marketing campaigns, or even ghostwriting…

I’m your guy.




The same stories that had once confined me now provided a release.  I recognized that just as my story had shaped me, stories can also shape brands.

Courage means facing all the shit you don’t want to do, because that’s where magic is found.


I could write just about anything, but there’s no fun in that. I’ll give it to you straight every time. Because no matter how messy,  the truth is the only story worth telling.


Integrity isn’t just a buzzword for me.  It’s living raw and real, with no fucks given.

Today, I focus on showing up authentically  and diving deep into understanding the power of storytelling.

By taking responsibility for my story, I’m shaping my future and helping my other entrepreneurs shape their brands through the power of words.

I’ve traded the warrior’s armor for the writer’s pen, recognizing that my battles are now fought on a different kind of frontier—one where emotional authenticity is my greatest asset.

As a copywriter, I use my storytelling abilities to breathe life into brands, just as life breathed new chapters into me.

My journey isn’t about persuading you to change.

It’s an invitation to understand the transformative power of stories—in our lives, and in the brands we build.